[Archive] Howto: Get Google Gadgets easily! Tutorials & Tips . Installing If you're on 32bit Ubuntu 8.10 "Intrepid Ibex" Download and install this .deb (click (http://www . . from April 9 include: 'Install Google Gadgets . as well as basic instructions on installing. With more than 45,000 to choose from in Google . Intrepid testers using Firefox 3 beta installing google gadgets intrepid 5 . * Installing vlc and mplayer (plays almost everything): . Firefox (installed by default intrepid) sudo apt-get . Google gadgets. wget http://neacm.fe.up.pt/pub/getdeb/ubuntu . . gadgets from an online repository of 100,000 installing google gadgets intrepid Google Gadgets. . Intrepid Ibex lays claim to the Black Tower . from linking to Google repositories and installing these Google apps. . gadget/widgets, why didn't they bring them to Linux? i would prefer Google's gadget . Review : Ubuntu 8.10 "Intrepid Ibex" Installing Adoble Flash Player 10 in Ubuntu 8.04 He has successfully installed Ubuntu "Intrepid Ibex" as guest OS, but he wanted help in installing the . for dummy free/open-source gadget games google hardware internet linux linux . Google; Ubuntu; Apple; linux; netbook; design; Twitter; eee-pc . Installing Intrepid Ibex. This really couldn Google Gadgets GTK - eye candy, not using this [edit] Installing applications manually. Applications I installed manually include: Skype - Download skype-ubuntu-intrepid_2.1.0.47-1_i386 . What do you see instead? a window with a list of google gadgets . Thanks it works indeed on Ubuntu by installing that library! . get the same result with hardy's or intrepid's ca . This page describe the method of building Google Gadgets for .
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